geoc Commandline Application
geoc is a geospatial command line application that follows the unix philosophy. Each command does one thing well (buffer a layer, crop a raster) by reading a vector layer as a CSV text stream or a raster layer as an ASCII grid, processing the layer or raster, and then writing out the vector layer as a CSV or a raster layer as an ASCII grid. Individual commands can be chained together with unix pipes.
geoc is very much under development (command names may change). Originally is was developed as a complement to geometry commands and to stress test GeoScript Groovy. The commands have not been optimized for large datasets.
geoc is built on the shoulders of giants: GeoTools and the Java Topology Suite. geoc just provides a command line application that wraps the herculean effort that the developers of these two libraries have undertaken.
GEOC A GeoSpatial Command Line App Presentation
- Key Features
- Data Sources
- Examples
- Buffer a Vector Layer
- Create Centroids from a Vector Layer
- Create Interior Points from a Vector Layer
- Create Convex Hulls around a Vector Layer
- Create Envelopes around a Vector Layer
- Create a Vector Layer of Random Points
- Create a Voronoi Diagram from a Vector Layer
- Create a Delaunay Diagram from a Vector Layer
- Select Features that intersect other Features
- Select Features contained in other Features
- Select Features within a distance of other Features
- Create supercirlces for each Feature in a Layer
- Create Hexagon Graticule Layer
- Create Oval Graticule Layer
- Create Square Graticule Layer
- Create Rectangle Graticule Layer
- Create a unique values style for a vector layer
- Create a Map Cube
- Generate Geodetic Tiles
- Generate Web Mercator Tiles in MBTiles
- Generate UTFGrid Tiles
- Reclassify a Raster
- Create Polygons from a Raster
- Commands
- list
- version
- pipe
- shell
- filter cql2xml
- geometry convert
- geometry dd2pt
- geometry geohash bounds
- geometry geohash decode
- geometry geohash encode
- geometry geohash neighbors
- geometry greatcirclearc
- geometry offset
- geometry orthodromicdistance
- geometry plot
- geometry pt2dd
- map cube
- map draw
- carto map
- proj envelope
- proj wkt
- raster abs
- raster add constant
- raster add
- raster animatedgif
- raster contour
- raster convolve
- raster crop with geometry
- raster crop with layer
- raster crop
- raster display
- raster divide constant
- raster divide
- raster draw
- raster envelope
- raster exp
- raster extractfootprint
- raster get value
- raster info
- raster invert
- raster log
- raster mapalgebra
- raster mosaic
- raster multiply constant
- raster multiply
- raster normalize
- raster point
- raster polygon
- raster project
- raster projection
- raster reclassify
- raster resample
- raster scale
- raster shadedrelief
- raster size
- raster style channel selection
- raster style colormap
- raster style contrast enhancement
- raster style default
- raster style shadedrelief
- raster stylize
- raster subtract constant
- raster subtract
- raster to
- raster worldfile
- style create
- style css2sld
- style repository copy
- style repository delete
- style repository get
- style repository list
- style repository save
- style sld2ysld
- style uniquevaluesfromtext
- style ysld2sld
- tile delete
- tile generate
- tile get bounds
- tile list tiles
- tile pyramid
- tile stitch raster
- tile stitch vector
- tile vector grid
- vector add
- vector addareafield
- vector addfields
- vector addidfield
- vector addlengthfield
- vector addxyfields
- vector append
- vector arc
- vector arcpolygon
- vector barnessurface
- vector buffer
- vector centroid
- vector clip
- vector compareschemas
- vector contains
- vector convexhull
- vector convexhulls
- vector coordinates
- vector copy
- vector count featuresInfeature
- vector count
- vector create
- vector database index create
- vector database index delete
- vector database index list
- vector database remove
- vector database select
- vector database sql
- vector datastorelist
- vector datastoreparams
- vector defaultstyle
- vector delaunay
- vector delete
- vector densify
- vector display
- vector dissolvebyfield
- vector dissolveintersecting
- vector distancewithin
- vector draw
- vector dump shapefiles
- vector ellipse
- vector envelope
- vector envelopes
- vector erase
- vector filter
- vector fix
- vector from
- vector geomr
- vector geomw
- vector gradientstyle
- vector graticule hexagon
- vector graticule line
- vector graticule oval
- vector graticule rectangle
- vector graticule square
- vector grid
- vector heatmap
- vector identity
- vector info
- vector interiorpoint
- vector intersection
- vector intersects
- vector join attribute
- vector join spatial
- vector largestemptycircle
- vector list layers
- vector merge
- vector mincircle
- vector mincircles
- vector minrect
- vector minrects
- vector multiple2single
- vector octagonalenvelope
- vector octagonalenvelopes
- vector page
- vector points2lines
- vector points2polygons
- vector pointsalongline
- vector pointstacker
- vector project
- vector randompoints
- vector raster values
- vector raster
- vector rectangle
- vector reflect
- vector remove layer
- vector removefields
- vector rotate
- vector scale
- vector schema
- vector shear
- vector simplify
- vector sinestar
- vector single2multiple
- vector smooth
- vector snap points2lines
- vector sort
- vector splitbyfield
- vector splitbylayer
- vector squircle
- vector subset
- vector supercircle
- vector symdifference
- vector to
- vector transform
- vector translate
- vector union
- vector uniquevalues
- vector uniquevaluesstyle
- vector update
- vector updatefield
- vector validity
- vector voronoi
- Build
- Help