vector join attribute
geoc vector join attribute
Perform a attribute join between a Layers and a table.
-s –table-source: The table source
-t –table-name: The table name
-y –layer-field: The input layer field name
-j –table-field: The other layer field name
-n –field: The join field names to include in the output layer
-m –only-include-matching: The flag to whether only include matching rows
-p –options: The options (for csv separator and quote, for dbf encoding)
-o –output-workspace: The output workspace
-r –output-layer: The output layer
-i –input-workspace: The input workspace
-l –input-layer: The input layer
–help : Print the help message
–web-help : Open help in a browser
geoc vector join attribute -i polygons.shp -s table.csv -o polygons_table.shp -y id -j key -n name -n descriptions