vector sinestar
geoc vector sinestar
Create a sinestar shape around each feature of the input Layer
-n –number-of-arms: The number of arms
-e –arm-length-ratio: The arm length ratio
-g –geometry: The geometry expression
-w –width: The width of the bounds
-h –height: The height of the bounds
-p –num-points: The number of points
-a –rotation: The angle of rotation
-u –unit: The unit can either be degrees(d) or radians(r). The default is degrees.
-o –output-workspace: The output workspace
-r –output-layer: The output layer
-i –input-workspace: The input workspace
-l –input-layer: The input layer
–help : Print the help message
–web-help : Open help in a browser
geoc vector sinestar -i states.shp -o states_sinestar.shp -n 10 -e 0.75 -p 100