vector raster values
geoc vector raster values
Get value from a Raster for each Feature’s geometry
-n –field-name: The new value field name (defaults to value)
-t –field-type: The new value field type (defaults to double)
-b –band: The band to get values from (defaults to 0)
-s –input-raster: The input raster
-e –input-raster-name: The input raster name
-p –input-projection: The input projection
-o –output-workspace: The output workspace
-r –output-layer: The output layer
-i –input-workspace: The input workspace
-l –input-layer: The input layer
–help : Print the help message
–web-help : Open help in a browser
geoc vector raster values -i points.shp -s raster.tif -o points_values.shp