
List commands:

>>> geoc list

Count features in a CSV layer:

>>> cat states.csv | geoc vector count

Buffer feature from a shapefile:

>>> geoc vector buffer -i earthquakes.shp -o earthquake_buffers.shp

Get the envelope of a layer and then calculate the buffer:

>>> cat states.csv | geoc vector envelope | geoc vector buffer -d 0.1

Crop a raster:

>>> geoc raster crop -i raster.tif -b "-120,-40,120,40" -o raster_croped.tif

Create 100 random points in a GeoPackage database, get’s metadata of that layer, and then finally converts the layer to CSV::

>>> geoc vector randompoints -g "0 0 10 10" -n 100 -o test.gpkg -r points100

>>> geoc vector info -i test.gpkg -l points100

>>> geoc vector to -i test.gpkg -f csv