drawbase64 ========== **Name**: geom drawbase64 **Description**: geom Draw the input geometry to a base 64 encoded string. **Arguments**: * -y --type: The image type (png or jpeg) * -p --prefix: The flag to include the prefix (data:image/png;base64,) or not * -w --width: The image width * -h --height: The image height * -b --background: The background color * -i --backgroundImage: The background image url or file * -s --stroke: The stroke Color * -t --strokeOpacity: The stroke opacity * -r --strokeWidth: The stroke width * -l --fill: The fill Color * -o --fillOpacity: The fill opacity * -m --shape: The marker shape (circle, square, ect..) * -z --size: The marker size * -c --drawCoords: The flag for drawing coordinates or not * -e --envelope: The geographical bounds (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) * -g --geometry: The input geometry * --help: Print help message * --web-help: Open help in a web browser **Example**:: geom drawbase64 -g "POLYGON ((5 5, 5 15, 15 15, 15 5, 5 5))"